#35: Lawyers, Don't Take LinkedIn Lightly

(2 minutes, 59 seconds) Welcome back to Legal Marketing Moments!

If it is important to you to develop relationships, a well as build your reputation with those who are the most important to you and the growth of your practice, then it is important to talk about why you need to pay attention to the way you use LinkedIn.

In this 2-minute, 59-second episode of Legal Marketing Moments, I talk about how LinkedIn is evolving yet staying the same, and what that means for the growth of your reputation, relationships, and practice.

NOTE: Donā€™t miss my next LinkedIn class for lawyers, my hybrid online self-study AND optional live coaching course created for lawyers who are ready to cut through the clutter and build their reputations, their relationships, and their practices.

For more details, please visit http://licfl.com

Iā€™d love to have you inside the course!

Until next time, take care.


If you have questions or comments about this, or any, episode, feel free to email me at [email protected].

Additional episodes of Legal Marketing Moments can be found at myrlandmarketing.com under the Podcasts tab by clicking here: https://www.myrlandmarketing.com/podcasts/legalmarketingminutes/



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